Monday, November 26, 2012

Beats by Dre Electroplating The D sorrow w

The joy is more and more hasty,Beats by Dre Electroplating, finally remit a kind of outrage in brief bump a shot sound and shake person's ear drum is dull pain.
Rain is more and more heavy, the dark cloud of outside is also more and more low, the sky gradually becomes complete utter darkness, even the far light of for use by the military car also can project ten several rices, carriage's violently jolting is waked up with a start under blue three Yeses, this old man nap a feel look spirit quite good to crumple to rub eyes to outside see toward the window.
Finish seeing and took a look a form way:"This rain is really heavy, now should be 4:00 A.M., also so black."Blue three Yeses ordered to nod to feel in the heart that so heavy rain is really unsuitable for airplane flight.
The man gram turn head to took a look a D sorrow way:"Front be the entrance of the man tower promise man mountain range,beats by dre cheap, the geography is more hazardous there, it is said that that someone discovered the half-breed's trace over there recently, however call a half-breed at the witness so much only 1 and Be different from and live in the appearance there over a long period of time.Only wish at the time that we went to the half-breed had already walked."
The D sorrow has never talked to remain outside the window of lookinging at the utter darkness one, suddenly a surprised thunder illuminated the whole worlds all, at illuminate of mapping ash to order in split second the eye pupil of D sorrow, that ash orders of rush speed the quickest, is trying very hard to of chase their soldier cars.
The D sorrow eye pupil in a twinkling shrinks into point of a needle, the half-breed left to him too many shadows, his combining current he of indetermination is the opponent that isn't a half-breed.
"Call behind of of car acceleration, there is thing keeping up with."The D sorrow is saying and opening a car door to drill a car top.
The man gram the slightest don't doubt D sorrow and hurriedly start to grasp words machine to call a way:"All vehicle full speeds drive, all vehicle full speeds drive."
The D sorrow stands on the car crest the raindrop with big bean ruthlessly hit on his face, the D sorrow has to become a fine thread: eyes Mi to stare at the direction of that ash shadow, just the D sorrow can discover in the utter darkness ash shadow because have a lightning flash, he is waiting a lightning flash now, he doesn't dare to wildly move.
Finally a huge lightning flash roared to once row the sky, that ash shadow again reflected into the eyelid of D sorrow, although see appearance D sorrow that the not pure ash copies don't hesitate again before going toward leaped on fleeing behind in a car, the D sorrow jumps up on the truck of a per, when the D sorrow comes to till the last a truck car to take over, that ash copies to also at the right moment jump up, and 2 people at the right moment beat 1 to face to face personally.
Once the D sorrow see the true character moment of this ash shadow blood all cool, at this time of his how hoping to stand is a half-breed before he's eyes, unfortunately be not, this ash shadow D sorrow understanding, and he be not what ability, he is a person, quite good, the Xiao kills!
The Xiao at this time kills very distress, all over of the clothes be all torn, one by one hang body up, the hair grows of disreputable, the D sorrow is most decisive to feel he is very weak, descend a moment D sorrow of predict and then made sure, the Xiao kills to sit for a while at truck car crest, looking at D sorrow nerveless flick to use a small orotund way:"Order for me to eat of ……" finishes saying to fall down on the truck for a head of.
Xiao's killing a to pour D sorrow on the contrary doesn't know how to do, the according to reason bestly mixs rice now be to the Xiao kill one knife in his sleeping as a result he, so the Xiao kill to can't have, either what painful, but his D sorrow without one be rated as the strongest enemy.
The affair D sorrow don't know how to do it that is unfortunately such, the D sorrow starts to embrace Xiao to kill to cross other vehicles to drill to return to in command of car.
The man gram is pressing car brigade acceleration to see D sorrow to unexpectedly embrace an out at elbow yellow person back, sign a horse to knit the brows a way:"What is he ?"
D sorrow helpless way:"Person."
Man gram the eyebrows is wrinkly more tight:"Does the in danger have no?"
Ding You wanted to think a way:"Temporarily should have no.Have to eat of, had better have a little hot water again."
Xiao's killing an originally fair and clear face to ascend is all suddenly and violently leathern trace everywhere at this time, the cheeks obviously descends to sink, Quan bone then drum come out.The lips are dry and cracked, facial expression green white, have a liking for go to be like a more than ten days have never had a meal of beggar.
Silently the Wang Wu voice asks a way:"Who is this guy ?"
D sorrow way:"The past was a guy that wants to kill me."
King's 51:"Does he want to kill you?You come back its lane stem?"
At this time the man gram sent to hot water and the list soldier's food D sorrow before the body.
The D sorrow will compress the biscuit bubble becomes a noodles paste in the hot water bye open the mouth that the Xiao kills to slowly and fluently go in.
The Xiao kills to comfortablely send out a lightly sing, the D sorrow hurriedly sticks the noodles leaving slowly and fluently enter the Xiao kill of mouth inside.One cup noodles paste bottom the belly Xiao kill of the status sign a horse like many, also started having light red on the face of green white.
The man gram obviously keep a wary eye on the person coming out suddenly and more, his hand has been pressing the pistol between each waist up.
The different meeting Xiao kills slowly awake the sorrow for coming over, tooking a look D, the D sorrow signs a horse to draw back distance with him, the action of D sorrow undoubtedly stimulated man gram, because the action of D sorrow is very obviously the reaction that instinctively escapes terrible thing, can let D sorrow guys like this all feel the thing that is terrible to arrive this kind of situation actually is what?
Man gram the gun between the waists signed a horse to pull out out.
The Xiao kills to looking at the nervous situation in the whole car not from must feel suspicious, then the Nao wears head to say with smile:"What's the matter with you?"Have a liking for to go to clear is that there are some silent students in one.
The D sorrow stares at Xiao to kill a way:"Do not you want to kill me?"
The Xiao killed wry smile to shake to shake head a way:"All of many places are evolutions now I that kills come over?"
The D sorrow knits the brows a way:"You deicide isn't the parties the one who see evolution to kill?Front segment time is so disorderly how didn't see you?"
The Xiao kills again a wry smile way:"I am making track for a person, I have been catching up with Russia from man Tang and make track for make track for, made track for to have how long I didn't know, ten hours ago I made track for that person to suddenly disappear, I was also at the right moment hungry to can not walk anymore any further ……

Chapter 251 suffers

The D sorrow knits the brows a way:"Are you still making track for a person of the yin and yang?"
The Xiao killed Leng Leng after way:"Are you how can anyone know?"
Unclear way D sorrow didn't tell him this greatly speaking of the affair Yan Man Man, :"I guess of, to, does he how can come to Russia?"
The Xiao killed to want to think a way:"Should be him the idea want, is what I come over his Nian all the way especially, this period of time we have ever been to Tibet, Sichuan and Burma, Kuala Lumpur and Thailand ……in fine a lot of places, my arriving to all the way him am here."
"Did you made track for greater half like this for year?"The D sorrow surprises a way.This must have much blood feud.
The Xiao killed to sigh tone and shook to shake a head nerveless way:"Is regrettable at be just run by him.Originally he has already been made track for by me remained half life, I as long as made track for him again for more than 10 days even if could not grasping him to also affirm to chase him is dead tired, regrettable, regrettable, come apart at the seam!BE just wanting that catching him was difficult to compare to ascend"
Is public to listen to shivering to change countenance, this is a kind of what kind of spirit?Isn't far ten thousand inside ……
The Xiao kills a side to say a side the Suo wears a tooth flower son, this Suo tooth flower son Xiao kills a belly murmur of call get up, the Xiao kills to anxiously looking at a D sorrow way:"Could you lend me to order something to eat?I lead a period of time rich return you.To don't give me too many, otherwise I am afraid I momentary half will still not up ……"
The D sorrow can not refuse that the Xiao kills the look in the eyes of Ba of that wretchedness Ba, then sees at all to man gram.
Man gram remain is very careful to stare at facial expression of pallor of the Xiao kill a way:"I should not have person's existence to don't know background here, and you seem their personal enemies, my task is the safety that protects them, I can not for not know that the person of accurate identity provides any food.Do you have passport?"
The Xiao killed to shake to shake head.
"Do you smuggle to come?"
"Has oneself ever imperceptibly once run national territorial to at last smuggle?"
"You once wore national territorial for making track for a person,cheap beats by dre?"
The D sorrow hurriedly beats, again keep on asking the Xiao perhaps killed and then becamed spy, "you his making on the whole is our person not become?"
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