Tuesday, November 6, 2012

monster beats d not thought to be

Big deal ……
The Manchester United brigade is eliminating to slice Er west, stood into a champion cup the finals, the Fu space Sen jazz immediately made out some not small actions ……
The Fu Jue Ye put forward to protest against to allied foot in Europe after the game that watched AC Milan and Royal Madrid recorded image, immediately, can also say is report, the Fu space Sen jazz thinks and competes at this to the south, the third beating in own hat-trick after entering ball brings about a sports clothes celebration ……
Being on duty plate umpire, Fan De Er, should give to produce a yellow card to the south!!!
Fu Jue Ye at accept a medium interview ground time.Greatly talk.AC Milan at oneself landlord field saint western Luo's ground.Got plate umpire's ground side with ……strong request.Foot in Europe unites board of referee.After match.To repair a yellow card to the south ……
The Fu Jue Ye ground abacus.Beat smartly ……as long as get this yellow card again to the south.The total amount Huang Pai Ting's match.Then the absence holds a ground of European champion cup in the saint western Luo's ground finals ……but be in need of'Anne virtuous strong king's his majesty'ground red and black army corps.Face to come in blustering and menacing manner a ground of red and evil.Combining can't let people Be optimistic about ……
Fu Jue Ye this words are 1.The ground medium in the whole England also follow to push wave to help Lan.Request Europe foot to is allied to repair a yellow card to the south ……
Momentary.'Huang Pai Men'became owner concern ground focus ……
"Damn!!"Looking at TV screen to the south.Hated ground to curse and scold 1."This old headman.Royal Madrid person all useless protest.He pours to ground pretty and efficiently!!!Say again.We are been that nonexistent location ball by the judge ground.He how doesn't say ……"
"Anne is virtuous strong ……" Joe's Anna puts Bruce in own husband's bosom, "forbid to speak language, taught Bruce wrong things how do!!"
"Execuse me, dear.
"Smiled to smile to the south, toward oneself ground son say, "Bruce is that father isn't good, only, this old guy was really too damned to arrive ……"
Bruce seemed to understand what ground, kicked to kick calf ……
What Joe's Anna annoyed is funny, but, she also knows, own husband is what value western Luo is at the saint of this European champion cup finals, she comforts her own husband says, "Anne is virtuous strong, this have no what oddly, you also at slice Er west the kickball knew, the Fu space Sen jazz, but the superior of mental war ……this matter, no matter your having is repaired a ground of punishment ……he is a victory ………like, need not thought to be so many ……foot in Europe allied should can't do decision ground like that ……"
"Hope to be such!!"Kissed own wife toward the south ground forehead, only, he still has some worry ……
Won to use the Royal Madrid that EUR 540000000 piles up, kill go into on May 25 the finals of European champion league match for carrying on in the saint western Luo's ground after, expect Si Teng to seem to be a special excitement, is facing the time of medium, this Milan legend, definitely put forward for the first time, the greed that the trophy of league match champion and European champion cup raise at the same time!!
In fact, the league match will soon end, this time, even if is expect Si Teng don't put forward, but, the medium of Italy, also almost already no time for waiting of the double hat king's title, hat at the body of red and black army corps ascend ……
In the league match, AC Milan while still having the circumstance of two league matches, leading international Milan 2, because the mutual result has excellent, ACmilan even need a to win an even canned be very steady to hug a league match champion ……
Though, the international Milan bishop does the Mu inside Ni Ao still just the mouth is hard, think, 'everything have no till the last of time, seem a moment that the Shao sound of competing the be over didn't ring out, who don't know as well to will living what story ……'
The Mu inside Ni Ao even takes in 2005 an European champion cup finals, that sad feeling of miraculous of the Yi Si Tan cloth Er of night ……ACmilan at 3:C first of be presented to public by Liverpool surprised sky of under the circumstance greatly converse, will come to hand of'big ear cup'throw to lose of case, encourage morale ……
E ……positive such as, before the international Milan the bishop does firm slice Luo Ni to say of so, "Portuguese's way of doing, pointed to speak of' the Yi Si Tan cloth Er of night' in addition to incensing an AC Milan person,monster beats, and let majority of Italians, don't like him, there is no effect ……"
Though, have already arrived at Italy for more than 3 years, but, the Mu inside Ni Ao hasn't understood the Italian's mode of thinking, the Italian is different from the Englander, the Italian is also arrogant, this is similar to the Englander, , the Italian is getting weaker, this come from idea A league match is ever of brilliancy ……while facing foreign enemy, Italian medium can usually the gun muzzle is unanimously and outward ……
AC Milan of greatly aggrieved of'Yi Si
Of night', and not only only is the humiliation of the red and black army corps, but also be consumedly benefited other people to think by many ideas to is humiliation, certainly, the fan of one part of international Milan, probably have different viewpoint ……but, even if is so, this amount huge cardinal number, also is the Mu inside Ni Ao can resist ……much less, care AN of this 3 year inside, Ni Ao in the Mu it may be said makes an enemy of rather many ……
So, after international Milan bishop does speak that words, the AC Milan club hasn't done a reaction ground for time and have already seen Ni Ao in the Mu with a revolting feeling of, now the card tower in the Italian second grade league match Ni second club president Luo Mo Na Ke immediately to the Portuguese give violent of attack-"some people, finally can't beg for a person to like …… he is that kind of should drive the big stick knock tooth ground guy ……"
Card tower Ni second club president Luo Mo Na Ke and international Milan bishops do of the gratitude and grudge of , already a long time, the story wants from the plum on September 13, 2008 firm speak of, the international Milan depends two uncanny black Long Qiu of opponent, international Milan at lord field difficulties of 2:1 defeated card tower the Ni is second, but, after match, the Mu inside Ni Ao ground words, at card tower Ni second club president Luo Mo Na Ke of already drive this brigade of two uncannily can only with use in decline head to describe of black Long Qiu tramples upon of little darling up, and then mercilessly come a while ……
"We, originally should 5:1 winningly ……if, I guard a door ……we still keep winning ……"the Mu inside Ni Ao say.
This lets card tower Ni second club president's Luo Mo Na Ke's left to cut up rough, pitiful card tower Ni the second president jumped at that time, "if, I had a big stick in the hand words, I would make that Portuguese regret to arrive at Italy!!!"
For card tower Ni the speech of the second club Luo Mo Na Ke's concussion of president, the Mu inside Ni Ao quickly did to respond to, Ni Ao in the Mu was facing at the time that 《Milan athletics report 》 covered, Song shrug Bang said, "who is a Luo Mo Na Ke?I once heard a monk and also knew Monaco park, I also knew and did obeisance Ren Munich, and Monaco big prize match ……what I knew was so many ……if this Luo Mo Na Ke wants to pass to attack me but famous ……so he must pay advertising expense for me ……have already had a sponsor to pay for me ……but, think famously Luo Mo Na Ke hasn't paid my rent service fee ……I estimate to touch, he intends to evade this expenses ……certainly ……I know a recent economic recession ……"
It is said that, wretchedness of card tower Ni second club president Luo Mo Na Ke , in the after the event, exclusively cost EUR 1650 and ordered a true person size ground the rubber person , every day, all put on this rubber person's body full fly knife ……and, the this rubber person's shape and facial appearance very much resembling international Milan bishop does ……
E ……this certainly just, the Mu inside Ni Ao at Italianly in the rare story, very usually a , otherly such as refuse to attend news cloth after match meeting, make the assistant attendant, be sliced a bishop by the Lai to do Nu to scold for'uncultivated guy ……'etc. ……have already had the Italian medium of many matters, exclusively publish a concerning Ni Ao in the Mu of'Italian important event the small matter record ……', it is said that selling quantity isn't bad … Related articles:

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