Monday, November 26, 2012

Beats by Dre Electroplating of the Chi disease f

Visit, meet with accident to flee for life, make friends to steep a girl, hair house to amass a fortune, also all necessary.Usually pay no attention medium see of treasure thing, because you lack the cognition of this aspect and unexpectedly leave a treasure thing like tile Li, regard it idly as of no importance, let the god send to the opportunity to become rich on the your hand, will also with throw away, on the contrary still resent a God to treat me too thin, why slowly poverty but not hair?World Yin the bad sun is wrong but the one who lose machine, its pain and sufferings was nothing is better than and hereat.
Make reference to this, when the writer thinks of childhood to move house inside the house mire underground once dug number several ten pieces of strange stones and disliked these ragged Ai eyes at that time and unexpectedly left it at the doorway, drive one down and out geography teacher of neighbor ten get, this teacher proves few years later this lousy rock unexpectedly is thousand year agos cover up on the ground of outside star meteorite, momentary reputation big Zao, gain both honor and riches, haughty air.But the writer hand over to others this opportunity to become famous, is exactly because of stupid.Often read and this matter, in addition to dead hour alone the nest is in the wall side, bite Zhen Cape, secretly gloomy shed tears outside, also is the ability what?Everyone might as well go home to turn over a box to pour a cabinet, small and soft search,beats by dre cheap, think to each per family how much all some treasures things or curios that for many years stay, once being confirmed by expert, opportunity to become rich necessarily at at present, slice the good opportunity of destiny that can not is ragged the in home to at will throw away, sit to lose this change.If is like writer, pay no attention and wealth to lose it to hand over arm,, even if bite lousy Zhen Cape and wash noodles by tears, also Be getting tooer late to regret.On the contrary being bitten because of the pillowcase is lousy, still have to spend money to buy again how many new of, not snow up add frost, die Ai Zai?
The Ma Er Si takes off turtle Yi the shield put at public in the center, then once changed to look forward south mountain, let he to authenticate for a while to confirm the reliability of this magic weapon.Is after all public to want to sink into Rong to strach with this tortoise-shell huge flow in, if run into counterfeiting a false inferior thing, contrary to expectation remaining, what differ with collectively suicide?Practicing moral teachings endless You of road is far and is very not easy, Jean sees life, safety first.
Look forward south the mountain scrutinize under, connect voice"Ze Ze", public on listenning to, the mood is big great while signing, with he these twos Be heartfelt to praise highly, also all know this thing extraordinary, just still saved of order a doubt worried, at this time on sweeping but getting empty, shout and jump like sparrows of the feeling is hard self-made, have more very such as clearly positive sky of, the jade work properly son it flow, unexpectedly pleased pole but Qi, Be smiling and crying, while jade is working properly son and by hand carrying on the back and wiping canthus drop of tear, bite lips, voice shiver ground and say:"This time this idea finally the nobody opposed and saw to be getting trueer."Clearly positive sky of is also repeatedly sad pleased to hand over to add, Be continuing to resist a Rong syrup disorderly stone and sobbing to say:"Or eldest brother good, his old man's house first, , what problem all solved, this time after going out, even if don't spread the person to iron feet and beat into lame feet monster, also have to be follow convention, let that bastard be subjected to this and live offense, let his body face its territory under, the academic association compares heart pain and sufferings of heart, body cool other people."While speaking, he thinks of the composition of these people complicated, fix true, fix a Buddha and fix Jiang corpse big difference it interest, and a poor absolute being and a night boundary superior, if true ability such as what it expected the ground spread iron feet person with really falsely the son grasp to trap at this place, next forbid to make the complicated degree of the strategies is by all means poor fierce the worst, all sorts of strange things after stiring to the utmost brains, incomparable, that even if again smart decuple, again how can crack this super hybrid big strategies?By that time these 2 people not only have no this tortoise-shell to in order to flee for life, public also certanly will this 2 people dollar absolute being in all of the treasure thing hidden tremble to fall clean, in order to prevent two bad eggs repeat public today it flee for life legend.Read and this, his gnash teeth in hatred, the joyful idea in heart greatly rises.

Chapter 5 only food but fatty

Look forward south mountain's squating down is one side at the turtle Yi shield, the dollar absolute being lightly touches, the treasure thing restored into a big tortoise-shell while signing, he clapped to clap a turtle back and sent out "Peng Peng" sound and turned round to smile to public say:"This trick is a real thing right.I enlarge it, everyone can drill into from the head entrance to cave of turtle hull, time come out from the entrance to cave of behind drill out."The Qi uncle says with smile:"Good drive this tortoise formerly the noodles eat into, again from behind the E come out generally, it is funny to pour."Together expect Lu ha ha way:"Say on the Buddhist sutra:Have no two from sex.I am an excrement, the excrement is me, have no expensive have no mean, today everyone this flees for life of the method pour to greatly have Buddhist allegorical word."Not talk to shake, wry smile way:"The man cans not help but becomes tortoise, helpless pole, the Zong has the Buddhist allegorical word wonderful reason, again how be the method pleased to get?"
Is public after the part resists a Rong syrup disorderly stone, take rain of Cui Xiao as first, the first drilled into, then lined up in proper order, fix for slightly bad of forerunner go, fix for a good many of at behind continue to resist Rong syrup rock, after breaking for the others.
After Liu Jia goes in, detection among them space indeed as expected very big, oddness of BE, everybody all feels this space at the right moment laden after going in, but at that moment a person after coming in, and then is same to feel, imitate a Buddha this space in the turtle hull unexpectedly is along with number increment but correspond become big generally.And surface inside the space give out light of thing, with public in the space, don't feel dusk.
Look forward south the mountain sees public to all get into a turtle of hull after, back into an entrance, disease Shan but go into.Go to this, public all pack into turtle Yi of inside the shield.
Look forward south mountain to smile to ask the Ma Er the Si after getting into:"Old Ma, at the time that you used, how to do the entrance to cave of this both ends?Always don't become to stay this entrance to cave?Rong syrup once flowing out to come in, that be the boiled water hot rat one nest carried."
The Ma Er Si says with smile:"I the past arrived the big stick two while signing once drilling to come in, other people can not since the both ends beat in."The Qi uncle shakes head to say:"Do not go, this Rong syrup penetrates everywhere, must thoroughly seal both ends entrance to cave the dead just go and otherwise have a little bit crevice, the that Rong syrup then can flow into.Said again, seals both ends with your that big iron rod, if strached a China Times to grow in the Rong, this stick is burned very hot, big guy at in a carelessly bump, that still not skin is the burnt meat lousy?And who know to would not° until walk much for a long time go out, if this stick be cremated, isn't everyone just similar to doom?This method doesn't go."
Ma Er Si big eye circle Zheng, bad ruthlessly stare at Qi of the uncle say:"You think is my this stick what scrap iron beats,Beats by Dre Electroplating?, Throw how many black Tans light a fire, burn and then turn?This is the absolute being stick!The Apollo sprayed in those early years of the Chi disease fire in the sky also has no to chase it how."Look forward south once the mountain listen to and fondle a 牚 way while signing:"Can the Chi disease fire in the sky not also burn?That becomes and arrive with this stick two, then I descend it again more than ten layers forbid to make to seal to die exit and entrance, should be getting aller right."
The public various sort establishes and has been already finished, but discovers not to know how to move this turtle hull.Ma Er Si one face is innocent, wry smile way:"Look forward south mountain also said, this trifle is south Dou star of thing, who know that what way he is to use to come to move?Always not Chengkong University call 1:Is left, then go toward left shift?"The words sound just fell, this turtle hull unexpectedly beginning to left shift move.Is public on staring blankly, immediately and together the voice shouts loudly a way:"Is right!"This turtle hull rightwards moves toward side to move again.Is public on seeing, while signing shot 牚 acclaim, at the same time again together the voice shout loudly a way:"Go forward!" Sees this turtle hull"Sou" of hurtle forward all of a sudden to, all people all understood at this time, originally this turtle Yi method of using of the shield just if have a general the treasure thing to is other to have innate intelligence, although not ability with read dint directly and mutually, can also use a way for controling and go directly to its idea, so that simple of method of using, also not know south the Dou star spend how much the sleepless night just does and then comes out.
When the everyone is just happy to mutually celebrate, suddenly Xuan ground in the sky turns, public surprised shout under, is doing not know occurrence He Shi, hears "Mao" of a , the turtle Yi shield is to fall on a piece of hard quality skin.Not a dollar absolute being talked explores and turn round to public shake head to say with smile:"We came back again."Public one Zheng comes over under the disillusion, originally and just read "go forward", but forgot to read to"get down" and without any error bumped to strach toward the Rong with unexpectedly accurate this turtle Yi turtle shield surface of forbiding and making top but be played back.
The Ma Er Si calls a way:"Like well, is this time directed by me, can't again disorderly."BE just wanting openings, suddenly, the whole turtle Yi shield starts commotion, public a surprised, not talk is way:"The Alas! just bumped to forbid to make and caused a top earth crust a great deal of rock whereabouts."Words didn't finish saying, a piece of megalith shot turtle Yi shield and play crowded under, the turtle Yi shield immediately flies and drop into Rong to strach in, follow the course of river of huge expanse to flow downward.Is public to toss about half Related articles:

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