Thursday, November 22, 2012

Beats By Dre In Ear losed door Holy Gho

Of blind area and of blind side.This just let to traverse seven don't be subjected to injury of one silk.
While seeing this result, they are surprised to be getting more foolish.So of precise how see all be not strangely fits, but, if be not strangely fits, so his traversing seven is exactly how to attain, from so many swords the shadow, find out a safely the road isn't end in talk, have to not only have sharply observation ability, but also have to also have strong memory and body to moderate ability, wrong one step, traverse seven and then will die.\*\/\
Probably before, these so-calledly conceited persons beat an in the mind to feel shocked towards traversing seven one more eye of just seeings, but now, they aring, so the ground was really a person, made they need not going or staying nature?
Finish seeing this video frequency, the person of each general situation dint is online in succession, especially those just the new building land was those gangs, they was all those the inborn the superior the unwilling to remain out of the limelight set with the form homology of emperor palace set up of, there is just no emperor round so strong real strenght, can unite three other inborn superiors, they of those gang inside, end also two inborn superiors is just.
The order that their these people unifies is to disallow them to provoke purple Ning Ge, and still sends a personnel to fix to go to contact the purple Ning Ge.
Be compared to these newly arisen gangs, but a few reactions of big gangs seeming to be some Be getting deader silent, this also no wonder that, they these gangs almost took part in the war of emperor city, and still station at traverse seven etc. the person's enemy opponent noodles, see traverse seven them now thus strong real strenght, certainly fear.\/*/\Especially an overlord whom inborn superior all has no seemed to be more vexed sorrow.
Also at when each general situation dint is frightened with traversing seven their real strenght but the headquarters of sacred alliance welcomed a person.Holdses jade Xiao, the waist hangs jade Que and takes a self-confident but leisurely smile and slowly walked into the headquarters front door of sacred alliance.
"The bearer notifies name."Wei in the door stretches hand to intercept and drinks to ask a way.
This recognizes tiny turn a head, the noodles seeing the other party permits and says:"I is the jade Xiao Lang gentleman, please notify 1,"
Wei in the door sees the jade Xiao Lang gentleman vehemence extraordinary, immediately respected one gift and returned to way:"This notifies and also ask honored guest to slightly wait."Finish saying, he immediately turns round to toward headquarters rush but go to.
Is very quick, ran out for someone in the headquarters, public on seeing, get a fright, because rush out unexpectedly is their leader of alliances.Sees the Holy Ghost absolute being hurtle to the jade Xiao Lang gentleman of in front, just wanted to make Ji, but drive the jade Xiao Lang gentleman to block.
"Holy Ghost, I come to just see everywhere today, don't want to make people know my existence."The jade Xiao Lang gentleman as to it's does the light tone say.
The Holy Ghost absolute being point nods, retreats an one step and says:"Unexpectedly I unexpectedly waited you to come and also pleased to go in together with me.
Lead in the Holy Ghost absolute being under, 2 people soon found out a secret room.Just just closed door, Holy Ghost absolute being the list knee knelt down and said to the jade Xiao Lang gentleman:"Little lord, according to your plan, I have already jumped the gun to establish a sacred alliance to wait four greatest allieses, now the four greatest allieses develop the situation is good, also invite a little lord to put
The jade Xiao Lang gentleman nods and says:"Have you at, I certainly trust, I come this time, not is to talk the affair of alliance, but want to make you save some people."
The Holy Ghost absolute being in astonishment lifts up head and asks a way:"Still don't know who the little lord makes us save?"
"Emperor round!"The jade Xiao Lang gentleman says words just on falling in, the Holy Ghost absolute being also in astonishment opened widely a mouth, he didn't understand the jade Xiao Lang gentleman is how to think, the whole river's lake is all very anxious to to eat its meat, drink its blood now, and halting of his emperor palace ground, have already become the ground of halting of other people as well, by this time, if save an emperor round, that be with the whole world is enemy.This obviously has a lot of big sources with some programmings of jade Xiao Lang gentleman, but, see the appearance of the jade Xiao Lang gentleman, but remain thin leisurely and contented shape of light cloud of a breeze.
"BE!"The Holy Ghost absolute being didn't hesitantly promise a way and saved an emperor round to why the jade Xiao Lang gentleman want, the Holy Ghost absolute being had a kind of guess unclearly, but

Volume 6 only the Gu sword Zhong chapter 13 only the Gu make the story of card
Renew time:2009-8-2723:29:16 chapter word numbers:2372

The jade Xiao Lang gentleman sees Holy Ghost god have a doubt clearly, but doesn't dare to ask, shake head a smile and says:"You also need not think more, after saving him, give° him to imprison, until he hands over only Gu to make a card.
"Only does the Gu make a card?"Holy Ghost absolute being surprised Cha way.
The jade Xiao Lang gentleman light Yang for a while eyebrows, ask a way:"How, do you know that this makes a card?"
The Holy Ghost absolute being also knows disrespectful, immediately compensate an offense way:"Execuse me, little lord,Beats By Dre In Ear, belong to next go beyond proper bounds, just this only the Gu make card, I really once saw once, just don't know isn't the same thing."
"?"The jade Xiao Lang gentleman has a little curious, ask a way:"Are you where to see?As I see it, this thing should be what you can come in contact with."
The Holy Ghost absolute being nods and says:"This is also coincidentally, two months ago, we were allied together other gangs disunion purple Ning Ge of time, once appeared a person on the battlefield, he made a card for that purple Yan sword a cake of at that time, if I didn't listen to wrong, should be a Gu to only make a card.\\\"
"This pours to have a little meaning."The jade Xiao Lang gentleman squints Jing and deliberated for a while, very long, he launches iron,Beats by Dre Electroplating, smile way:"Unexpectedly and unexpectedly someone acquires this piece of card of making earlier than me, really thinking will ascend a short while with this purple Yan sword."
Turn head to took a look Holy Ghost absolute being, he says:"Now that you have already known that what Gu is only makes card, that some affairs should tell you."
In years past, only the Gu begs to hurt a hat unique river's lake is with the sword method, no man ability enemy.It is said that, he at at time of death ex- the high state of the method for comprehending sword, and then all of his realizations engrave to depart from this life to bury at him of ground, but only Gu's making a card is the key for going in.\\
In those early years, only the Gu begged to hurt a ground of posterity to also know this matter that influencing is a lot too big.Hence separate a decade each time for nine, in addition to they they's home staying to spread a piece of, other 8 sending into the then eight front door partieseses all of the card, combining agreeing on, the card penny.Hold a group to contest in crest in Hua Mountain, definitely three before, then from eight greatest Zhang door with only the Gu house open the door of sword Zhong together, let general assembly of front three get into sword Zhong to comprehend only the Gu begs to hurt to leave of the swords idea last homes engrave.
This activity, if can go on so, is also a quite goodly matter, regrettable.The persons all have selfishness, eight front door partieses originally and peaceably get along, after the first time held finals in Hua Mountain, mutual unpleasant to look at, think to the utmost the way lets the door belonged to under of the pupil get into sword Zhong, so, river's lake in original Ping-ho gradually has great waves.\\\Be especially three victors since the sword Zhong came out.This kind of circumstances is more rampant, finally turn into river group war in the lake.
It is a service.Eight front doors send almost and all and suffered biggest loss, four prestigeses were momentary at that time of the group is put out to send in this war.And then came to there are again two groups to also gradually annihilate, arrived at present.Leaves force to be and little wood still just, even only the Gu house have already gradually declined as well.Arrive at present, leave several people more just.
Along with the group war, these are only nine pieces of the Gu make card in addition to Wu Dang, little wood and only in addition to those 3 pieces of Gu house, otherly 6 pieces be early done not know to drift about where, and the teacher of the jade Xiao Lang gentleman is also not intentional in one in acquired this piece of card of making, was to know this piece of make the function of card after, the jade Xiao Lang gentleman run out means just acquire from the his teacher hand, and start looking for eight pieces of other card of makings.\\\\\
The force is with the little wood's those 2 pieces very easy, so of make card, is always maintained ground by the player of group chief, he has already found out these two chiefs, and elaborate that this makes a card ground function to them, have already obtained an initial cooperation.
But when he knows that the emperor round is unexpectedly Gu 9 to only spread a person, immediately guess only the Gu affirms the card on emperor round, be just, this ground destiny is no longer his a person Related articles:

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